Thursday, November 15, 2007


These are some quotes that I read today (was free and wanted some inspiration to finish some important things that I have been procrastinating).

Experience is what you get when you don't get anything else.
Luck is what happens when opportunity meets preparation.
- Randy Pausch

As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.
- Einstein

If it is to be, it is up to me.
- Anonymous

I have failed many times, and that's why I am a success.
- Michel Jordan

Learning without thought is labor lost.
- Confucius

I want to analyze each of these, but I think I need to think more and then write. So will continue in the next post.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What shall I do?

Right now, life seems to be a major dilemma. I have rarely been in such situations. The path ahead has always been clear. There have been days when I am confused, but if I 'sleep' over it, the problem is resolved.

The Dilemma
Which path should I take now. There are a few roads starting from where I stand now. I have come till here by walking a path of an entrepreneur, mostly due to a close friend who walked ahead of me all the way. At this point there are the following options
  1. A road that leads to large companies - TCS, Wipro etc.
  2. Another that leads to mid-sized companies which have a good growth prospect
  3. Our own Start-ups
  4. Take an on-site assignment from some company / consultant and make money / build contacts
The positives and negatives are very apparent. The biggest thing that worries me is - do I want to be one among 80,000 others? Do I want to retire in such a big company (borrowed from the friend's FIL)?

I know that we are good at running our own show, but do we have the emotional, financial and physical wherewithal to endure the pain till the point where there is some gain? Last 6 years of this has been frustrating, excruciating, exhilarating and amazing at the same time. Though the monetary gains were not too big, life was not bad. Learnings that I got are incomparable to anything else.

Can I work for somebody else? Will I get into the crib-pit and stay there all the time - cribbing about my manager, about my tasks, about the customer, about my team mates, about life, about the traffic, about the cabs and all the other sundry things in the world....!!! Is there a chance that I will enjoy my life in the bigger and mid-sized companies where 'I' as an individual will have no value. Aren't these big companies similar to the HALs and BELs and BHELs of yesterday? A bunch of punches (time in and time out card punches) and one lunch - that is going to be the order of the day. Do I REALLY want this? No No No...!!!!!
But the alternative is not very sweet either. My monthly loan commitments and the luxuries that I have gotten used to now demand a minimum of 60k earnings per month, which is not easy if we are on our own.

What should I do?

Right now, I am leaning towards options 3 and 4. Don't know how the wind will blow in my mind :)

Things that I want to do everyday ...

There are a few things that I want to do everyday... and do it in the same routine and rhythm that I love to
  1. Roll around on the bed, preferably with my son playing all over me
  2. Get up and brush my teeth for 15 minutes (minimum) (I know that it is not good for my gums... but what the heck!!! I like to brush)
  3. Read the newspaper for a minimum of 30 minutes, even when I am late to the office
  4. Blog - write and read
  5. Eat pineapple masala in the cart behind the office
  6. Play bubble busters on my mobile for 30 minutes
  7. Watch a movie - either on TV or a DVD
  8. Sleep late and then get up late
Why is it that what feels good is generally not right. There is a saying which a friend told me sometime back. In kannada, there are 2 words - hitha (right) and sukha(feels good) .
  • What is sukha but not hitha, avoid.
  • What is hitha but not sukha, do.
  • What is hitha and sukha, indulge.
Watching a movie and sleeping late to get up late is sukha but not hitha.
Getting up early in the morning to jog and work-out is hitha, but not sukha :)
Working 9 hours and finishing all my planned tasks in time with the best quality is hitha and sukha.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thoughts... Actions... Results...

Why is it that we have so many plans ... plans that are so good to just gargle in your brain , but rarely get into execution phase? Even when some such plan gets into the 'assembly-line', rarely does a finished product come out. And on the rare occasions that I get a product out, it has no resemblance to the initial plan that I had. Does it happen to everybody?
This is true with large grandiose plans like having our own startup (where there are too many things that can go wrong and which will go wrong) to small things like planning to play cricket with my son. Is it that I remember only those 'plans' that did not work out...? Or am I a bad executor?