Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Things that I want to do everyday ...

There are a few things that I want to do everyday... and do it in the same routine and rhythm that I love to
  1. Roll around on the bed, preferably with my son playing all over me
  2. Get up and brush my teeth for 15 minutes (minimum) (I know that it is not good for my gums... but what the heck!!! I like to brush)
  3. Read the newspaper for a minimum of 30 minutes, even when I am late to the office
  4. Blog - write and read
  5. Eat pineapple masala in the cart behind the office
  6. Play bubble busters on my mobile for 30 minutes
  7. Watch a movie - either on TV or a DVD
  8. Sleep late and then get up late
Why is it that what feels good is generally not right. There is a saying which a friend told me sometime back. In kannada, there are 2 words - hitha (right) and sukha(feels good) .
  • What is sukha but not hitha, avoid.
  • What is hitha but not sukha, do.
  • What is hitha and sukha, indulge.
Watching a movie and sleeping late to get up late is sukha but not hitha.
Getting up early in the morning to jog and work-out is hitha, but not sukha :)
Working 9 hours and finishing all my planned tasks in time with the best quality is hitha and sukha.

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